Configuration (Terminal Mode)

When running Scanbot in a terminal, you must create the scanbot_config.ini configuration file which gets loaded from ~/scanbot on startup. When running Scanbot as web app, see here.

TCP Connection

For communicating with Nanonis V5 software, you must configure the TCP settings. Scanbot requires at least two ports to perform correctly

ip=<IP Adress>                  # IP adress of the machine running Nanonis. Defaults to local host
port_list=<P1,P2,...>           # Available ports. See Nanonis => Main Options => TCP Programming Interface.

Data Storage

Scanbot can SCP data to a server by setting the following field:

scp_path=<user@host:path>       # ssh key must be set up for this to work

Nanonis Configuration

The following optional fields relate to Nanonis configuration

topo_basename=<.sxm basename>   # base filename used when saving .sxm files. Defaults to whatever is in Nanonis if not provided. 

Tip Crash Safety

The following fields set the parameters of the Z piezo when retracting the tip after a crash is detected.

safe_current=<current>              # A tunnelling current above this threshold is considered a tip crash
safe_retract_V=<Z_piezo_voltage>    # Voltage applied to the Z piezo when the tip is automatically retracted after a crash is detected
safe_retract_F=<Z_piezo_frequency>  # Frequency applied to the Z piezo when the tip is automatically retracted after a crash is detected